Tuesday, June 29, 2010


by Pam Bachorz

The town of Candor, Florida was founded by Oscar Banks' father. Houses cost upwards of a million bucks, but the waiting list to get one built is long. Because in Candor, everyone does exactly what they should. Kids listen to their parents, do chores, study all the time. No exceptions. Well, except for Oscar's clients, the ones with money, who pay him well to get them out of the town. You see, within a week, you will be brainwashed by the subliminal messages that are played everywhere - in your room, in the houses, at the park...school, library, grocery store. But Oscar makes a pretty penny getting kids who can pay out of Candor because he knows how his Dad does it. When Nia arrives in town, she complicates things. That's when Oscar's world falls apart.

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